WHAT?!? Cinnamon? She still writes that? It still exists?
Yeah. Well. Sometimes things just get boring. Or busy. Or busy-boring. Sometimes I wonder how a college degree turned into vacuuming Cheez-Its out of my car. Or debating the pros and cons of various Skylander characters. Or shampooing the itchy dog. But it does, sometimes, and those are the days I just get through. There've been a lot of those lately. Happily, also, there have been a bunch of non-boring busy days. Days of (fine, I'll admit it) extended lunches with my amazing and very funny friends. The occasional social daydrinking. Those days really diminish my productivity.
Last week, though, I had a dubious proud parenting moment that requires sharing.
In P.E., S's class got little paper race cars on a peg track. Each child was supposed to answer True/False to questions/statements about healthful living. If he/she got a question correct, he could move the little car along the pegs. First one to win, won. (Did they get a prize? I dunno. We didn't get that far.)
The questions were pretty obvious, even for second graders: I eat fruits and veggies every day. I ride my bike and play outside. I get lots of sleep.
(By the way, my kids DO NOT do any of that on a regular basis.)
Then, an oddly phrased statement: "I take marijuana." Take? Like on a regular basis? Like vitamins?
"Not healthy." proclaims S. "Unless you have cancer. Then you're already sick, and maybe marijuana will make you feel better. But, it's still smoking and smoking's gross."
Yes, says the teacher. It's an illegal drug.
"Not everywhere!" Interrupts S. Some states allow you to have it like alcohol or cigarettes.
(I love my well informed son.)
Teacher is unhappy with qualifiers on the absolute catastrophe that is pot use. On to the next statement.
That was really cool, says I to my son. I'm glad you were listening during the elections about marijuana laws. I'm glad you asked me what it was. I'm glad I gave you an honest answer. What did your friends say about marijuana?
Oh, I was the only one who knew what it was. I told the teacher my mom knew all about it.
Awesome. I showered this morning in case the social worker shows up early.