Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why food does not belong in a box.

I promised myself that I wouldn't relentlessly report on the agonizing day by day process of Nutri System. And if I ever decide to go pro with the blogging thing, Nutri System will not be signing up to be my first sponsor, but I can say this: if you like food, you'll lose weight on Nutri System.
This morning's packet o' breakfast was a "chocolate chip scone." And the person who created it has never had tea in England. Not that I have, but I am sure that even the British (not the world's most discerning palate) would not make such a big deal over tea if scones were like the lump in this morning's packet. First of all, the thing was so dense, you could execute some one by stoning with this bad boy. Second, the consistency was some where between cookie dough and slimy brownie. Third, the taste was an unholy melange of protein bar, chewed multivitamin, and artificial flavor. I choked it down with as much coffee as I could drink.
The thing is, I like food. Which is what got me into this weight dilemma in the first place. I didn't gain weight eating McDonald's (another sponsor I will no longer presumably get) or junk food or candy, or cheap frozen dinners. I gained weight eating home made food that is yummy: smashed parmesean potatoes, schnitzel, pasta, blue cheese dressing, pork chops. I'm not trying to be a food snob. I love the Golden Arches' french fries with the best of them. But that's not how I gained weight. I just eat too much of relatively healthy foods. It's one of life's cosmic unfairnesses.
For lunch, I had reconstituted "homestyle cheesy potatoes." Actual potatoes would not have recognized these potatoes. Fortunately, I got to add a salad (no dressing allowed, so I used vinegar straight) and a vegetable (broccoli, my old standby) and a tablespoon of fat free cottage cheese. Which somehow made everything a little more palatable. But those potatoes are a crime against nature.
And of course, I ate it all so fast (hard to eat while holding your nose)that now I have to burp, which just brings that hideousness right back to me. I would rather have eaten the paper cup the potatoes came in. For real.
All I have to say is this: if I haven't amputated my taste buds by the end of 56 days, it will be a miracle.