Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kids say the darndest things

I have a soft spot in my heart for S's sense of humor. Don't get me wrong, I have soft spots for E, too, but he's just not as naturally funny as the other one.

S's sense of humor can be dry, wry, and altogether in a different league of that of his peers'. It can be goofy and physical like Jim Carrey and it can be annoyed and verbal like a Jewish Catskills bit. Either way, if you're ever one on one with S, and he's feelin' it, you will laugh your ass off.

An example, directly from his teacher, on studying seasons: "S, what a lovely Santa Claus you drew on the white board. He is indeed associated with winter." To me from teacher, "His Santa was like a Victorian version with the long beard and the wire rim glasses, not the plump current version." S, to teacher, brusquely handing her the Expo marker, "not bad for a Jew."

He also has a killer Marvin the Martian impression.

This morning, though, after the alarm went off, and he curled into my bed, we had this conversation. The funniest of all, because it's unintentional:
S: "Mom, I HATE Mondays."
Me: "Good news, then. Today's Tuesday."
S: "What? I thought yesterday was weekend."
Me: "No, remember yesterday was a holiday?"
S: "Right. It was King Arthur Junior day."

Happy King Arthur Junior day, everyone.

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