Monday, September 17, 2012

Another Muppet Monday

First things first. My name is Julie and I'm a cookie-holic.  I have to confess that last night my addiction hurt some people.  Not only did I overindulge in high calorie cookies, but I stole from my children's lunches this week.  Because of my binge, they will have to have graham crackers for dessert.  Every day starts anew.  1 Day Cookiesober.

Ok, now on to something funny.  Sometimes when I get to spend some time with a friend for a nice, long visit, I identify another little detail about her that makes me happy.  Which is kind of a great thing to say about my friends, in that seeing them, or reading about their Facebook lives, or finding pictures of them, they always make me happy.  Something about them just strikes my funny bone.
Most recently, I hung out with my friend, SB.  She has this fantastic, cartoonish double take she does.  I don't know if she knows she does it, or if it's just a habit.  Sometimes she does it ironically when you say something obvious.  I love it.  It's completely comical.
Last week our family movie was The Muppets Take Manhattan.  Which is a great movie, and one of the earliest I remember seeing in a theater.
It is still fantastic.  I love Muppets.  I love the completely dysfunctional relationship between Kermit and Piggie.  I love Rolf's moderate depression and Fozzie's mania, and Animal's anger issues.  I love that there's a Gonzo, which is an alien?  A monster? A Gonzo?  I love drug addled Dr. Teeth and his band.  I love curmodgenly Statler and Waldorf.
Awesomeness.  All of it.  And thanks to the most recent The Muppets, there is Muppetiness in the world once again.  I love listening to E still squeal (yes at ten years old) because he is so tickled, but so uncomfortable with the chaos created by the Muppets.
The world needs more Muppets--more crazy, zany red ones.  More emotional and sensitive blue ones.  More mellow ones.  More ones that love animals.  More frogs and dogs and chickens and things.  More ones that make us laugh and want to go find a Grover to hug.
I am feeling kind of warm and fuzzy this morning towards the Muppets I have in my life.  S is certainly a Muppet.  He is all wild hair and button nosey and freckle faced.  A human Muppet.  He does jointless Kermit arm routines all the time--the exasperated MAHAHAHAHHAHA that Kermit makes when both insanely happy and insanely frustrated.
I have a mean Piggie streak.  Of hitting people over the head with the obvious, and having a tendency to wear satin lavender gloves.
In any event, I thought I would share some Muppet Takes Manhattan memories with y'all on this not-particularly Muppety Monday:
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