Thursday, February 5, 2009

Paw-fectly Dressed

I have been so busy! I don't even know what happened to this week. Plus, I spent all my online time yesterday and this morning looking for a dress and shoes to wear to the two weddings/rehearsal dinners we are going to in the next couple of months. That is just super stressful. Although by shopping online, I see 2 benefits: 1. I Don't have to go to Dillards. I can go to and soak up the virtual ambiance. 2. No fluorescent bulbs in the changing rooms. Thankfully, I can try these on in the privacy of my own room. No security cameras, no cruel lighting. Also, no 3 way mirror, so I can extend my denial.
OK. More to the point. I have been mulling over this subject for some time. I have been discussing it animatedly with friends over dinner and such, but not in this forum: What is with scrubs? And by this question, I mean the operating room clothing, not the former NBC show named after said clothing.
M says that people are wearing scrubs all over town because "how else would we know s/he is a doctor?" He maintains that it is a status issue. I am not sure. I wouldn't want my doctor or nurse running around town doing their errands in scrubs. I mean doctors and nurses know about germs, right? If a doctor/nurse is drawing my blood, touching my eyeballs (if I had an ailment that required this), touching my body in any way, really--after s/he's been wearing those scrubs into Lowe's or WalMart or out with kids to the Chic-Fil-A Ebola playground, then I am GROSSED OUT. Those places are DIRTY. Suddenly, supergerms are less of a mystery.
Also, I am not sure about the status thing, because the type of scrubs really reveals a lot about the vocation of the person wearing them. For instance, we can start at the presumed head of the scrub hierarchy with actual physicians and hospital nurses in their surg green scrubs. You know, "operating scrubbers" Then, there are the "office scrubbers" SpongeBob scrubs clearly for pediatrics, the Toothy ones for dentist/hygienists, the wrap around two-tones (in shades like aqua and cocoa and lilac and black) that absolutely MUST be from an Ob/Gyn office. There are the "ambiguous scrubbers" that are holiday themed. All the way down to the presumed bottom of the economic totem, the clearly vet-tech-themed scrubs with dogs and cats and cutesy little paw prints and puns on them. So how is that about status? I mean, I absolutely love the girl who grooms Clooney and the woman who works the front desk at the vet office, but are these women living so richly and glamorously that they want EVERYONE to know their jobs? A nanny who delivers kids to school also wears scrubs and a Bluetooth earpiece. She's very Serious.
Yesterday, I drove by the cosmetology school and the students were on smoke/coffee break outside. By the way, the cosmetology school is in a strip mall...huh? And they were all wearing matching scrubs! They don't even have jobs yet! They are student-scrubbers. What the hell? So, to paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, "what is the deal with the scrubs?"
They are easy to wash. They are forgiving to the figure (they make everyone look like amorphous blobs). They are easy to match. They go well with Crocs. But seriously, people, if you go out of your house/workplace with rubber shoes and canvas and elastic clothing that has pockets on the inside and the outside in case you can't get them on correctly, you have given up. You have checked out of the society in which we all participate. You are saying to the world, "you know, I just couldn't bring myself to button or zip today."
Now. I need to go put on my sweats.


  1. Well, since I've been known to prance around town in mine, I'll give you my opinion. The only reason I've EVER worn mine in places other than the hospital/work was because I had 8 thousand errands to run right after getting off work. I had no time to go the extra 30 minutes home to change to go back out and be where ever I had to be. And they usually don't have germs on them. If you're working with a patient with anything contagious, you have to wear a gown/gloves/mask over your scrubs while at work anyway. I,personally, don't really like wearing them out since they are not particularly flattering. Plus, I truly don't like to announce the fact that I may be a health professional since people feel the need to ask random health-related questions no matter how personal or inappropriate they may be when they see you donned in scrubs standing in line at Target. So there. Just my own perspective. You have put way to much thought into this. :)

  2. J had "P" day at school yesterday. They had popcorn, pizza and wore Pj's. It was funny because I had to stop at the vet to pick up medicine for the cat. J(3) was worried they would laugh at him wearing his pj's. Then he realized when we got inside that they were wearing their pj's (scrubs) too. The girl had a good laugh when J told her.

  3. I wish I could wear scrubs all day!!
