Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Child Punisher

The other night in the car, S becomes aggravated with my (admittedly irritating) game of echo. I was playing that infamous game from childhood and repeated everything he said. Including, "Stop copying me!" I was having a good time, feeling rather rousing of the rabble, and was enjoying some time with my little guy.

Eventually, he screams: "The Child Punisher is going to come get you!"

This gives me pause. What an entirely fantastic concept! The list of adult offenses (keep it clean people) that could rile the anger of the Child Punisher would be hysterical. So, S and I then start talking about some of offenses the Child Punisher would not take kindly to:

1. Serving vegetables/making kids eat everything on their plates
2. Making kids clean their rooms
3. Making kids go to school
4. For not letting kids play Wii
5. Not letting kids eat whatever they want
6. He does not like it when grown ups talk on their cell phones and ignore kids

So, basically, no surprises there. The list of adult crimes eligible for The Child Punisher shares a number of items that make kids misbehave. Coincidence or psychic phenomenon?

The idea of the Child Punisher exacting revenge for every small slight against (pretty) spoiled kids amuses me tremendously for whatever reason.

Mostly, though, the idea of a world small enough that injustice can be identified as a candy bar is kind of wonderful.

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