Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Crazy's in the rearview

OK. Wednesday flew by. It was 20 degrees warmer here today than yesterday. Clooney is mad at me for abandoning him for our cruise. The cat, like all felines, has assumed ownership of the house. I let him in for ONE night and suddenly there's a coup.
He hissed, clawed, and bit at me when I tried to evict him today. What the heck? He's a permanent fixture now? Why are the animals turning on me?
The invariable let down of November TV sweeps has begun. There is NOTHING on TV. Not even the sports were interesting tonight. I'm bored.
Today, I cooked, washed floors, did laundry, cleaned out the kids' playroom, ran errands and contemplated moving around my furniture. Which is always dangerous. The contemplation of change usually coincides with a haircut appointment or other significant event. I am hoping it's a passing phenomenon, otherwise, you'll find me at Lowe's this weekend buying a bunch of those AS SEEN ON TV move anything anywhere pads you put under the sofa so you can push it with your pinkie finger.
Things happen fast around here, what can I say?
On the good front, I apparently drew a good straw when it came to room mom committees this school year. The Christmas Party Committee Chair (really, is this an episode of The Office?) emailed me with a huge list of stuff....she's already done! Woo-hoo! All I have to do is pretty much show up. Love the control freak moms. This is why I do not chair committees. I am the control freak mom and would have done all the work. Instead, some one else's neurosis kicks in, and I just sit back and relax. If only another crazy person lived at my house.
In cleaning the kids' playroom today, I discovered a bunch of bins with old labels on them. From when E was a baby. Things like "Alphabet Cards--14 lg, 26 sm" or "Little People Train--all pieces included"
WOW! I can't find my own ass with 2 hands and a flashlight, and I used to have things organized perfectly. I can remember spraying all the toys and bins with Lysol after every playdate. Everything was organized. Clothes by season and size. Socks matched outfits. Toys were sorted, matched, put in bins. Even outgrown clothes were sorted and organized. Now? Good luck. It's like when we moved to Mobile, and finally emptied all 452 boxes, I just left everything where it fell out of the box. I was so relieved to get here and be done, and out of our temporary apartment, that I just unpacked, rather than "packing" the house. It's chaos. I need to do something. Either things need to get organized, or I need more meds. I know which is easier...which is more helpful?


  1. Meds. There I voted. If you go around organizing the toilet paper or putting your spices in alphabetical order I will never see you again. You may never leave the house for fear something is out of order. So go take your medication.

  2. Whew, you covered a lot this post. First of all, you are TOTALLY the control freak mom; I'm speaking of the Halloween party where you went crazy! But it was lovely and you did allow some folks to help out. :) Second, I'm in the stage of unpacking rather than packing this house as well. In fact, I am leaving some things in boxes, unopened, to go directly into the attic. So, at least you're not alone.
