Monday, February 2, 2009

Super-ish Bowl

Why, exactly, do we watch the Super Bowl? I like sports more than the next girl, but what IS the big deal? I was sooooooooo bored last night. The game was boring (til the end), the ads were bleh, the hype was huge.
I asked M how many people would rather Springsteen just keep on singing rather than go back to the game. He told me 1% tops. I kinda did. Were the ads excessively juvenile or what? A man kissing a grease monkey? Honestly? Clearly, Castrol paid all their money for the time and had no money left over for an agency to make an ad.
Remember the Cindy Crawford ad? Remember the Ridley Scott Apple ad? Volkswagen always had a good one, too. This year, I enjoyed the Pepsi/Dylan ad and the Coke ad with the bugs. The goDaddy ads were baffling. The Doritos ads were downright insulting: he hit a dude in the nuts with a snowglobe! That's hilarious. Really?
Also, weren't the products sorta strange? GoDaddy? CareerBuilder? We got the basic Cola Wars ads, some car ads, a seeming disproportionate number of movie ads. But where was Home Depot? Lowes? Honda? US Armed Forces? Something random and environmental? ipod?
What is with the "new" 3D craze again? We saw Bolt in 3D. Now Monsters vs Aliens, and Chuck? HUH? Is the economy so bad that we have to trot out technology that's 50 years old and get excited over it again? Sitting there with red and blue glasses on in our own houses? Where's my video phone? My no-calorie cookies? My laundry putter-awayer. These are the advances we need. Not stupid quasi-coming-at-you-tv. Lame-o.
The whole thing: meh.
My crab dip was yummy, though. I didn't put in too much jalapeno like last time. Also, I made cheddar burgers with grilled onions and mushrooms and balsamic mayo. Tasty. I'm really proud of us. We ate no chips, no wings, no gross stuff. My FOOD was healthy and fresh, if not low calorie. Maybe that's the problem with my diet--when all else fails, eat good food.


  1. Read your last two sentences. You ate your foot apparently. Ha Ha. Had to point it out. Maybe you should eat your foot. Now that is diet food.

  2. Nice, M, point out the typo. Anyhoo, I enjoyed the game. I thought it was a good one even though I though 92 should have been dismissed from the game for being an a$$hole. Other than that, it was entertaining, although I was pulling for the Cardinals. The commercials did suck this year. Maybe everyone is so broke, they couldn't afford ad time. Oh well, at least The Office was hilarious afterward!

  3. I'm actually kinda stoked for the return of 3D. Not that I'm going to watch an episode of CHUCK or a cartoon or anything, but I can't imagine much that would be more entertaining than a stupid horror or science fiction movie where, like, the blood shoots out at you. There's something refreshingly playful about such an idea, after two decades of Really Serious, Really Earnest movies where even the hobbits and elves seemed to be jockeying for an academy award. Sorry-- the last truly awesome scene in a movie was the joint-smoking scene in Friday the 13th 3D, and everyone knows it.
