Friday, July 18, 2008

Slave Labor

So, I'm thinking, sweatshops are kind of a double edged sword. On the one hand, child labor is horrific. Don't get me wrong. Also, children are unreliable when it comes to quality control. I mean one nicely stitched Nike, and the next know, they are fighting with the kid chained to the sewing machine next to them.
On the other hand, what do sweatshop owners hold over these kids to make them work? I mean, I can't get my kids to do ANYTHING. Right now, we are in U.N.-level negotiations over cleaning the playroom. We're up to $1 and E only has to clean his own stuff. S's stuff stays. (Lotta S's there). What the heck? I beg, encourage, and reward them to clean up after each individual activity so there isn't a GIGANTIC mess at the end of the day/week/month. But, no. A tornado could sweep through that room and it would be cleaner--the twister might take some crap with it.
If I could just borrow a Malaysian sweat shop owner for, like a week. That would be awesome.
In other news, M went out last night, so I went to bed at 9. Which is good, because E was up before 6. How is that possible? After nearly 12 hours of sleep, how could he not voluntarily (and quietly) go downstairs to thoroughly, energetically clean the playroom and let me sleep? Would that be asking too much?
Despite the $2 incentive (negotiations went poorly), I am repeatedly called into the theater of operations to neutralize skirmishes between E and his brother, who represents rebel opposition. Whenever his older brother begins to clean the playroom, S feels the need to pull out a bunch of toys. It's sadistic. Or just being 3.
Enjoy your Friday, hopefully I'll be back on Monday with vacation shenanigans.

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