Friday, June 5, 2009

Crazy is as Crazy does

I think I am a little masochistic. Again, I throw around psychological diagnoses like I'm somehow qualified to do so. As I've mentioned before, I have a family practice license: I'm practicing on my father's license. (My sister does it too; ergo FAMILY practice.) But, one of the things I really like is having people in my home.
I like the sound of laughter and clinking glasses and music. I like to know that people are enjoying the hospitality I am offering. I enjoy making the best food I can and extending the best service I can, and making people feel completely comfortable.
UNFORTUNATELY, I inevitably go overboard. I worry too much. I make too much food. I spend too much money. I stress out WAY too much. All of this anxiety beforehand, but then I LOVE the party. Sadly, this is a vicious circle: if I don't stress out, then I don't enjoy the party, because I feel as though I could have done better. If I do stress out, then I'm stressed for the whole day and tired for the party.
Remember that episode of Friends when crazy Monica bet her entire apartment on a trivia contest hosted by Ross? (Right answer: Ms. Chenandler Bong) And she and Rachel had to move across the hall? Then, Monica spent days cleaning, refinishing floors, and decorating only to have everyone over at her apartment while she slept on the couch? That is totally me. So, today I am having some people over for a "casual, outdoor barbecue." Which means, I will be cleaning the INSIDE of my house (just in case) and cooking, and baking (I'm really not a baker) and if I get time, I'll be pressure washing the pool deck.
My guests asked if there's anything they can bring. I suggest: lawn chairs and Xanax. Thanks. I appreciate it.
It's 8:30. I have until 3. Crazy's gotta get moving.

1 comment:

  1. ok.. I have the chairs.. no meds, though. Sorry! You need to consider doing something you've probably never done before. Leave your house, NOW, take your kids to a movie, Pump it Up, or anywhere but home. Don't start preparing for the party until about an hour before, so you truly can not obsess over the details. And see what happens! That one hour will be pure hell because you can't get a smidge of the things done you would want to have done, BUT, you won't be exhausted and will just sit down with a drink, and once everyone arrives, all will be good. You have a talent for making everyone so welcome in your home, that it's all good no matter what. Now if you had M's collegues over... Stressing I think is a requirement..
