In my life, B.C. (Before Children) I was relatively competent. I ran an office alone, set sales records in my region, and was on track for consistent promotion.
I do not say any of this to brag, but rather to say that my prior success makes my current situation all the more lamentable.
Currently, I am in charge of three "issues" we're having at the house. These are issues I do not usually cover, as they involve bills, contractors, or things usually under the purview of M. But, for whatever reasons, (I answered the phone, got indignant and said, "OF COURSE I can handle it, what do you think I am, INCOMPETENT?) I am shepherding these projects.
Issue number one is the pool. The pool is green. Not tinged green, not green-ish, I mean completely opaque neon pea soup green. According to the dude at the pool store, the chemicals are not far enough off to create said lime jello pool, so that it must be the sand in our filter requir
ing change. I contacted the pool guy. No response. I left another message. No response. I am in charge of making the pool swimmable, but I can't even get the cleaner guy on the phone! (It's disgusting, no?)
Second issue is a fraudulent charge on the credit card. I have been sitting on hold, arguing with operators, demanding supervisors for two weeks. I am getting the brush off. No refund has appeared on my statement, and I'm getting pretty testy. I felt like I was being intimidating and demanding, but obviously I have not. I kind of thought that even if I am unable to make my kids follow directions, I still had some sway over grown ups.
Third, is the water delivery service. We have ten, count 'em ten, empties in the back, and NO WATER to drink. Granted, this is no huge catastrophe given that there is, you know, water coming out of every spigot in the house (apparently, I have nothing to do with the utility payments). So, it's fine. But, since we're paying for the service, it sucks not to have any of its benefits, for however short a time.
So, what the hell? Am I totally ineffectual in all things not related to laundry or kids? Have I fallen out of professional authority, and lack the skills necessary to generate results from other people? Is it a strange confluence of events where it's not me, it's them? (A statistically unlikely, but more attractive option at this juncture.) What am I failing to do? Why am I tempted to quit altogether and let a man handle this? I concede, I AM incompetent. You fix it!
Maybe I should stick to the laundry, it never questions my authority.
ugh -sorry. You could try threats. Tell them you will blog about their crappy service.