Sunday, November 13, 2011

Egg-Prozac nog, and Klonopin Punch

This has been an extremely social weekend for us.  Although, I have to say, that among our friends, M and I are probably average in the going out bunch.  We have some friends who must have a babysitter who they can materialize out of nothing, because they do awesome stuff--parties, getaways, last minute vacations--and they represent one extreme of the spectrum.  We also have friends who never do anything.  Or if they do have a sitter, they spend their date night as just a couple.  So, we are somewhere in between. 

Honestly, though, if I have a sitter, I don't usually want to spend it as a twosome.  M and I have been together for nearly 15 years now.  I have told him every story about my life.  He, of course, hasn't, but never will.  He knows how I feel about everything.  Even our conversations about contemporary events are fifteen minutes long and consist of my 5 bulleted thoughts on the subject, his 5 bulleted thoughts on the subject, and a concession that we don't agree or do, but that's all.  I also have verbal diarrhea, so every evening when he comes home, I can tell him everything that happened in my day in the brief rundown, I get his brief rundown, we sort of commiserate, each (I suspect) privately think that his/hers was worse, and then, like ALL parents, turn and focus our attention/worries/love on our children. 

So, yeah, I prefer to mix it up a little by being social.  Sometimes a big group, more often a smaller.  I like socializing with another couple best, since I can actually pay attention and be focused and not have the ADD of wondering what everyone else around me is doing.  Friday, we had a couple over.  They have no kids, but otherwise, have very similar interests and thoughts and I don't know either of them very well, so that was a very interesting evening.  Low key.  Casual. 

Last night, we had our monthly dinner with another couple.  Also very interesting.  Smart, funny.  Kids doing the same thing as ours.  Commiserate, compare notes, self validate.  Similar goals--good food, change of scene, back to respective homes and in bed before SNL comes on.  We've known this couple practically since we've moved here, and they have truly grown to be among my favorites.  Like us, they have a sense of humor about raising kids, and the pitfalls, and the insanity.  We meet for the early bird special dinners, share wine, food, check up on one another and plan the next month's visit.  It's a happy ritual.

But in scheduling our next visit, I realized how soon the holidays are going to be upon us.  The holidays.  School parties, forced socializing, gift shopping, crazed hours, false cheer.  I might have to be a shut-in for a couple of weeks to prepare.  I will not be able to control the terms of whom/where/how I visit.  I will be categorized as the Grinch. (not undeserved, but I am always pointed out as the one lacking holiday enthusiasm.)  I will be introduced to new people whose names I will not remember.  I will stand around, hiding behind a glass of wine, seeking out familiar faces and monopolizing their attention for safety. 

Hohoho. The holidays.  The pharmacists' high season.

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