Thursday, April 2, 2009

No fleas, please

I saw a flea on me. On my bed, there was a flea.

I do not want a flea on me. I got that flea from old Cloon-ey.

That flea is now dead to me.

But, could there be another flea? Another flea at sea near me?

You may be smug cuz you ain't got no bugs,

but I saw a flea on me!

I'll be the flea la-dy.

After being panicked out of bed by the flea, I can assure you, M will be doing a flea check on me when he gets home:

I am horrified that there was a flea in my bed. From my dog on to me. That is so uncool.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds like you and George Clooney need a bath.

  3. I here ya. Everboy should seek knowldge to to conquer. I got hit by bedbugs that mom and dad said not to let them bite.
