Friday, August 13, 2010

What's your style?

I don't venture into this territory often, but it seems to have come up a lot in conversation lately. When you start reading this, you're gonna be like, what the hell conversations have you been in lately?!? I'm thinking this might be a poll, which I haven't had in a long time, either and that's fun. Finally, I know my parents read this. And worse, M's family reads this. So, ew. Anyway.

I was watching Wanda Sykes' HBO special, which by the way, I LOVED. She does a shtick where she describes a trip to a day spa. And the cosmetologist gives her a bikini wax. And Wanda describes in great detail the process of the bikini wax, and how the pain was so intense as the woman ripped off the paper, she reflexively smacked her hard.
So, this gets me thinking. I've never had a professional bikini wax. Odd? True. Not to say that I don't think personal grooming is important, just can't imagine a stranger ripping out my pubic hair.
Then, on HBO's Entourage (perhaps HBO is a bad influence), Turtle is attempting to hook up with a woman, sees that her nethers are shorn like a summer sheep and balks. At our house, the completely shorn nethers are known as a butterball, because of their similarity to a raw, plucked turkey. Turtle explains that he's familiar with the landing strip, and the Hitler, but not the butterball. Johnny Drama then informs us that the landing strip is SO 1990s. The butterball is now.
I am of two minds when it comes to crotchscaping: the 1970s porn afro is surely out. But, it's easy maintenance. The butterball requires daily upkeep with razor or frequent upkeep with wax. Ugh. Plus, there's always the possibility that the tacit message of the 1970s porn afro is, "look baby, if I don't have time to take groom myself, trust me, I don't have the effort for whatever you're after." Which sometimes, after packing lunches, running errands, cooking dinner, bathing kids, cleaning up dinner, all with a headcold/allergies/PMS is really the message you really want to be sending anyway, so it's convenient that the message requires no prep time.
Don't get me wrong. Before I had kids, I did the bikini wax thing. Not a professional one, as I mentioned earlier. I enlisted M's help. And in retrospect, I think that maybe the only thing worse than having a stranger rip out your pubic hair is having your husband do it. I would put on the wax, no problem. But, I, not being a masochist, couldn't bring myself to rip off the paper. M would stand behind me, grip the paper in each hand and RRRRRRRRRRIP. This is the ultimate relationship test. If you can allow your husband to inflict physical pain in your nethers and then invite him back for a social visit, then truly, you are meant to be.
But then, there's summer and swimsuit season. NOBODY, but NOBODY wants to see your razor burn, or the alternative. I, myself, take to the swimdress in part for this reason, but others feel compelled to trim for this outfit. Because, no matter the tropical atmosphere, dreadlocks are not appropriate.
In informal surveys of my friends, I have found the full spectrum of bodily coifs. From the hirsute to the follicly challenge, I've got them all. And it's not always who you'd think. Very upright, conservative friends have gone ahead with the full monty, and other single, (and I'm not judging here) loose women have cultivated a more natural landscape.
So, there's a poll here. Go ahead, spill the beans. It's anonymous.

1 comment:

  1. I know this post is several months old now, but I'm behind on pretty much everything in life including blog reading, and this one made me laugh.

    Gee, I wonder why no one wanted to comment anonymously about the state of their pubes. So I'll be the first (and only)... here is my story.

    Once I got a spa gift card, and I decided to try it because it was 2001 and everyone was doing it. A stout Russian woman in Chicago applied wax to me and I immediately realized childbirth was less painful though I had not yet had children and I am not one of those fools who goes drug-free. Anyway, my razor works nicely, but I do not use it to achieve some icky porntastic look down there. Let's just say I'm somewhere between butterball and not growing a national forest (to borrow one of the only funny lines from SATC2).
