I know. But I've spent a bunch of moolah this past month on kids' rooms, kids' school supplies, kids' uniforms. And now that they'll be headed back to school next week (could the whole summer have already passed?), I've been thinking about totally extraneous and expensive crap I think I'd like to have.
1. iphone. It's not my birthday, and I'm not eligible for a phone discount until January. But it's shiny. And cool.
2. ipad. It's even less necessary than an iphone. I have fantasies of my kids being able to use it to watch movies & play games on the road...and it's big and SHINY.
3. To get rid of my guest bedroom clutter. OK. True, not actually a thing, but if I could get rid of that crap, I would be able to get new carpet, and a new dresser, which is really what I'd like to put in there.
4. All-matching kitchen utensils. Lame. I want my kitchen to look like a TV studio kitchen with all the organized stuff and beautifully labeled whatevers, and the nice crock filled with whats its.
5. Really chic sunglasses. Like what's standing between me and chic is eyewear.
6. Size 8 pants that actually fit. Shut up.
7. Free, painless plastic surgery. I want it tucked, hiked up, sucked out, and plumped. Now.
8. A piece of mirrored furniture. I love that stuff. I don't want a roomful or anything. Just one piece. So beautiful. Could actually statisfy wish #3, too.

9. All the super cute clothes I looked at at Nordstrom's BEFORE I fell.
10. Some one to come to my house and help me ruthlessly declutter. I am sick of stacks of papers, despite inboxes/outboxes/bins/baskets and all other means of attempted organization.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Internet shopping to do.
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