Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Too Too Tuesday

Tuesdays and Fridays are always insane for me. They are the busiest days of the week and seemingly the longest. I don't have time to sit down the whole day, as indicated by my 7:30 PM post time.
Let's see. This AM, had E out the door by 7:30 for carpool. We've added another family to our carpool, and our new passenger is a Tween from next door. E got into the car today, saw Tween and blushed. According to my friend, the driver, he continued to babble inane nonsense all the way to school.
Aww, he was flustered and awkward in front of a girl. As opposed to awkward and indifferent in front of the rest of us. Then, I took Clooney to the groomer, got a car wash, took S to school, came back (brushed my teeth!) and walked 2 miles with driver-friend. THEN, I came home, organized the next month of carpool schedules, picked up, washed breakfast dishes, took a shower, did some laundry, went to the bank, picked up S, grabbed a Subway, went to the pet store, picked up Clooney*, and sat in carpool line. Then, we picked up E, dropped off carpool passenger (unfortunately, Tween does not ride with us in the afternoon. How disappointing for me.), changed E's clothes, took him to music class, came home, scrubbed hardwoods and tile, picked up E, took boys to Steak n Shake for dinner** (Daddy teaches a grad class on TU, so the boys and I "dine" out), came home, took out recycling, brought in trash can, bathed kids, put them to bed, checked email***, and am now here.
So, that was my Tuesday in a nutshell. There are certainly moms who did more today--worked, cooked dinner, baked their children cookies 'just because,' but I feel I did my share. Here are some footnotes:
*Poor Clooney, they put a stupid bow in his hair. Usually it doesn't matter, because I bring him straight home, but today he had to go to the pet store and the carpool line with us. Which means EVERYONE mocked his bow. It's going to affect his self esteem. The groomer says we need to keep the hair out of his eyes. I'm thinking mini bandanna. My dad told Clooney he had bug eyes and an under bite and it would take a lot to win him over. The poor fur ball. Doesn't have a prayer.
**S spent 23 minutes chewing his last bite of burger tonight. This beats E's previous record of 21 minutes on a piece of chicken. It was a stand-off, like at the OK Corral. Tumbleweeds blew by. No milkshake until you swallow, kid. I lowered my 10 gallon hat. He lowered his, and refused to chew. It wasn't pretty, but he caved. And didn't get to come home and play because it was too late. So sad. Too bad. Maybe next time, lad.
***News flashes indicate that one of the local petri-dish play places closed due to failure to pay taxes. I think this is sound policy. ALL of their taxes should go directly to NIH and the CDC to work on a cure for the Hanta virus and everything else that they cultivate on their play equipment. Gross. Maybe now our kids can play in the great outdoors. And get West Nile Virus from the mosquitoes as God intended.
It's 7:48. I'm making tomorrow's coffee and going to bed. Nitey nite.


  1. holy crap, as if i weren't exhuasted enough already, i come and read your post and look at what you did today and i need some sleep for sure! you over-achiever, you.

  2. I know Im starting to have chest pains. I think Im having an anxiety attack from your day! :)

  3. Are you trying to tell us that you will not be blogging for the holiday. :(
