Monday, August 18, 2008

The Bloom is Off the Rose

Monday. E toddled into my room this morning and announced he was NOT going to school today. I guess his Kindergarten euphoria was limited to three days of early dismissal.
M has decided to take the day off. He needs a break from his work. He has been working seven days a week this summer. I think the reality of another semester has hit. It begins in less than a week, and he hasn't had a break yet. After speaking to my sister describe the steps I need to take to actually lose weight, I have given up forever the dream of a size 6. S...well nobody really knows what S wants. I just heard Clooney deflate. He misses his kids.
Everyone is flat today.
Weekends are fading into that school year blah. Saturday recovery, Sunday preparation. Laundry up to my eyeballs. Groceries. Blah. Not even preseason football or the Olympics revved me up.
I'm back on to my crime novels. Tempe just sent Mr.-Eyes-As-Blue-As-The-Carolina-Sky home after a break-in at her house. I am waiting for the attacker to climb out of the closet. As ANYONE who watches slasher films or reads crime novels knows, you NEVER EVER send handsome cop home after the break-in.
In other breaking news, I painted my toenails.
I can sense your envy.


  1. Glad to hear that we're not the only ones with Monday blues. I hate the first few weeks of school. I already can't wait for the break and I haven't even laid eyes on my students yet!

  2. G is still in the euphoria stage. She is excited that they will actually start learning stuff this week. She said she wishes she could go to school 7 days a week. Freak of nature.
