Monday, September 15, 2008


Here's celebrating fifty posts! Wow.
Currently, I am dressed in my running clothes, procrastinating again. The treadmill beckons, and I cannot answer just yet. Significantly, I notice that my weight and my movtivation level are inversely related. Suffice to say, one is on the rise.
Clooney is going to town on a sippy that was abandoned on the floor.
And, in some test of my humanity, there was a frog stranded in the pool this morning. I hate amphibians. They are gross. My sister has reptile issues, but scales are okay with me, more or less. Amphibians send me over the edge.
This has roots most recently when we lived in Columbia, and after a rainstorm, I reopened the big patio table umbrella only to have several tree frogs rain down on me. Which must have evoked plague references in my mind, because that was it. Done. Frogs are out. But this morning, this particular frog was very tired looking. And clinging to the robot cleaner. SO I rescued it. He better not come back to gross me out.
The boys are off this morning. Phew. It is silent except for the little tiny licking sounds coming from Clooney. The kids FINALLY got a good night's sleep last night. Their behavior had deteriorated so significantly lately because they choose to play alone in their rooms after we put them to bed.
Which leads me to wonder, how many of the minor behavioral and learning issues of kids today are related to fatigue? I'm not trying to diagnose actual confirmed disorders, or to accuse parents struggling with actual diagnoses of just not putting their kids to bed early enough, but I'm talking minor disruptions in learning and behavior.
My kids are barely human when they don't rest. E last night (SIX years OLD, people) is crying in the restaurant because he would not face the server, look her in the eye and order a drink. We have been eating out three nights a week since the kid was born. He can't order for himself??? So, when his father ordered water for him, there was a meltdown. A snivelly, whiney meltdown. Because he was exhausted. Why do children defy sleep? Yesterday, I spoke with my friends about this. Their kids fight off sleep as though they were fighting for their lives also.
Moms. Dads. Adults, in fact, of all varieties. Begging for sleep. Study after study shows how deprived we are of this essential rest. And kids are fighting it off.
I SLEEP IN CARPOOL LINE! If left alone for 5 minutes, I can sleep anywhere at any time. Are you sleeping now? You should be. This post sucks.
Well. Fifty was celebrated ingloriously. Better luck next time.
I'm off to the hamster wheel.


  1. What did you say? I was taking a nap. Ha Ha. Congrats on #50 post. Yippee.

  2. Shhh...I'm sleeping. Seriously, I absolutely agree! My oldest, who does have a confirmed diagnosis that involves behavioral issues on a GOOD day, is far worse off (therefore, so am I) when he doesn't get enough sleep. Hence, the 7:30 bedtime during school and 8:00 on weekends. I live for bedtime. Theirs and mine.
