Friday, September 12, 2008

Things I'll do Later...

Procrastination never works out well for me. In most respects, I never procrastinate. Always better to just accomplish the task and then nap. A nap will make whatever unsavory task one had to do go away, and then one will feel refreshed and content.
There are a few things, however, I will NEVER EVER do on time because, well, I'm nuts. These are things either M has undertaken to do on his own now, or things that he no longer expects to see in any time frame of promptness.
1. Return phone calls. I absolutely suck at returning phone calls. I have a very small circle of people with whom I like to speak and others, especially strangers, make me wary. I will leave messages languishing on the machine for days, weeks, all summer, in the case of one very nice acquaintance who wanted to get together in June. All I can say is, if you have a phone call in to me, I suggest you send an email, leave a comment on this site, or send me a telegram. Really, anything will prod me into action more than a phone call.
2. Take in dry cleaning. Picking it up is no problem, even though that is the depressing part because I have to pay. The pile grows and grows in the corner of my bedroom until we have to go somewhere and I realize ALL of my potential outfits are in the heap.
3. Washing a load of reds. I try to run pretty large loads in efforts to conserve resources. Not that, by any means, is my house green. But, I always feel guilty throwing 2 of S's shirts in the tub and running the load. On the other hand, I currently have a GIANT basket full of reds that I don't run because they don't matter. Which is, of course, ridiculous, because they do matter or the wouldn't have been worn in the first place. Also, on a cosmic level, does laundry EVER matter? We live in a privileged country, and I am sure there is some woman living on a spot in Africa, Asia, South America, or hell even in the good ol' US of A that God forgot who is desperate to keep her babies from starving or freezing or roasting or whatever, and she doesn't give a crap about laundry. So, on that level, surely, laundry doesn't matter. This includes reds, darks or stain treated.
4. Going to the post office. I grant you that I probably go to the post office more than other people. I send out a lot of mail, although the constant .01 increases are killing me. Even if for no other reason, than I have to keep going to the post office to buy .01 cent stamps. But also, because I hate the post office. Never any place to park, always behind the lady with the screaming kid, somebody in front of me is always desperate to get some sort of pink card attached with her mail that connotes insurance, proof of mailing, proof of receipt, proof of existence, guarantees of prompt delivery, and a million other things. Even the postman behind the counter is like, "listen lady. The stupid pink card only increases its chances of getting there by like 2% and in fact we have a lot of passive aggressive employees who see the pink card and decide to step on the package. Just the pink card ones. You should see what they do to the packages with the triplicate forms attached." So, I wait, and then swallow all rational value of money and spend $4 to send something to my mother. But of course, I've procrastinated so long to send it to her, I might as well not, because she will be in town visiting by the time the package will arrive in California.
5. Putting away the laundry. I will sort it. I will wash it (unless it is red). I will fold it, iron it, put it in the basket. I will not, under even great duress, put it back in the drawers. I HATE putting it away. I often get dressed out of the basket. I often find things at the bottom of the basket and think, "hmph. I forgot I even had this!" I somehow find it less annoying to put the kids' laundry away, but mine and M's? Forget it. Love the basket.
6. Cutting up UPC codes for rebates. This is really stupid of me, because of course, I DON'T GET MY MONEY BACK! But the box is so intimidating. I never have good scissors for it. Should I use a box cutter? I always think about how embarrassing it would be to explain to the ER doctor that my finger is severed because I wanted $3.50 back on the purchase of my printer cartridge. Also, the accompanying paper work. Why do the rebate people NEED all this info? I bought it, they took my money, and now I want it back. But I have a giant box in my guest bedroom from a fan I bought over the 4th of July. Box intact. Receipts safe and sound. Dread fills my stomach when I think of finishing that project. And by project, I mean, cutting out the UPC, of course.
Today, I am facing an unusual procrastination: running. I have been enjoying (relatively speaking) my alone time on the treadmill. But I showered early today, and I don't want to take 2 showers today, so I am reluctant to get all disgusting.
OK. So, yah. Totally nuts.


  1. The only thing I procrastinated about today was whether to take a nap right when J fell asleep or wait thirty minutes. I didn't wait.

  2. I never listen to my phone messages or return phone calls. I probably check my phone messages once every two weeks. I also don't like to put laundry away through I am the one that does it.

  3. Things I don't do: cook dinner (okay, I'll prepare it for my kids, but almost never cook for me or hubby), iron (get it out of the drier quickly or just wear scrubs), and go to the post office to buy stamps...I spend the $1 and order them online to be mailed to me. I know, I know; waste of a dollar, envelope, etc. I stand by my choice!

  4. I haven't been to the post office since J was born (3 yrs). I discovered the joys of printing shipping labels from USPS at home. I weigh my own package and the mail person picks it up at my door. Heaven....Plus she brings me stamps when I want them. More work for her but less for me.
