Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saturday, and Other Lovely Surprises

Who knew? Yesterday was a great day, from start to finish. I didn't even know this was possible on a weekend. Could it be that my children are starting to develop and mature into actual human beings? Could it be that if I keep them on the go all day long, they have no opportunity to whine? (No, I have spent hours in the whinemobile on errands.) Could it be that the moon, Venus and Earth aligned in some sort of once-in-a-millennium coordination of cosmic bliss and harmony? Yup. That has to be it.
First, despite S's pre-6AM wake up call, I was in a relatively serene mood. A carry over from Friday night's martinis? Usually any carry over from martinis does not result in a happy me. For whatever reason, I didn't feel the need to lock him back into his bedroom until 9. We had breakfast, we dressed and we all went to Lowe's, of all places. Lowe's is not usually the Jewish home owner's hangout of choice on a Saturday. But, I was feeling do it myself-y and also needed light bulbs.
At Lowe's we found 2 really funky light fixtures and had to separate the children only once. We paid, we cruised, and we munched sandwiches as Jimmy John's in relative peace. Then, and gentle reader I assure you, you will be mystified by the next two facts, so brace yourself: S took a NAP and M and I installed two light fixtures without cursing, electrocution, or burning down the house. Venus, Saturn AND Earth must be in alignment.
Next, I gave three very nice haircuts, and dressed the kids for a photo session at the neighborhood photo studio. No tears. But, oh....Nightmare, people. First, I take all responsibility for thinking the appointment was at 4 rather than 4:30, the actual time of the appointment. After that, the ensuing fiasco is on the shoulders of the studio. Photos did not get taken until 5:30. Screaming kids. Stewing moms. Everyone looking all pissed and matchy-matchy at the same time. We took our photos and boogied over to the Hibachi restaurant for dinner. We ate sushi and had a pyrotechnic steak and chicken dinner before moseying back to the studio to view our pictures in their digital glory. THEN, we had time to head over for some delicious cookies before picking up the final printouts. We didn't get home until 8 PM. Sports Illustrated cover shoots take less time than this.
Remarkably, the kids were amazing. It could have been hideous, but instead it was kind of a fun walking around afternoon and evening. Who knew?
We're going to follow up that performance with Sunday. Maybe we can get total universal peace. Nah.

1 comment:

  1. I'm actually convinced that the planets were colliding this weekend. Funny how the universe can seem so different depending on how your kids behave. At any rate, glad you had a good one.
