Thursday, November 20, 2008

Grooming Moment of Ew!

Do you ever find yourself doing a chore that you've done a million times before, only this time it is annoying beyond all reason?
I was vacuuming, but that is only the middle of the story. First, Sam was up at 5. I ushered him back to bed only to have Clooney join the fracas at 5:45. So, I was up. Came down, let dog out, fed S, fed Clooney, read news online, checked email, and sat. It was only 6:30. At 6:30, E comes down and so everyone except Dad is up now. I figure, day starts now! The cord is too long, it gets tangled, I give it a firm FWAP! so that it will get moving and knock over my coffee. Now, I have to go back and clean up the coffee. S is whining, and running over all my nice work with his construction truck whose only job is to run over my toes. Now, the actual chore begins. I started to Floor mate my floors. No, not obscene breeding program for upright floor scrubber (LOVE IT!) I am cleaning up the roughly 6 tons of dust, powder, sawdust and crap left in the house during the laying of the bamboo upstairs. My feet have been filthy all week. People tracking in and out of the house, up and down the stairs. Blech.
So, I am cleaning all the downstairs floors, then run the vacuum over all the area rugs. M comes down and asks "Was there an accident? An emergency?" I get it. He was annoyed by the Hoover wake up call.
But now, it's only 7:30 and ALL of my downstairs floors are clean. I can move on to the upstairs and be done before I have to take S to school. Great. Then, I can run and have all the yucky jobs done by 10. Then, groceries, cook dinner, make beds, and do the rest of the not so yucky jobs. All by 2:30 so as to get E from carpool. And everything will be shiny, happy clean! Ta-Dah!
I just realized I am wearing the same shirt that I went to bed in night before last. That can't be good.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing like a little manic morning cleaning.
