Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, S!

First of all, M has warned me that without regular posts, I will lose my loyal fan base. Which is horrible, because I am now aware that I have actually voluntarily placed myself in a position to be rejected. This pains me, because the one thing my fragile ego can't handle is rejection. Why would I do this to myself? Of course, then, last night, I was awake and thinking of ideas to post for today. Please don't leave me, loyal friends. PLEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE!
Well, S's party was a tremendous success. He was so indescribably happy, running around the Ebola playground. As he swooshed down the giant vinyl slides, he was squealing with glee. He wolfed down his lovely MK cupcake, and returned home to tear through the presents. (Which he shared ever so nicely with E by the way, in one of those heartbreaking moments of sweetness that only a little brother can create.) He was so exhausted last night, what with waking up at 5:30 to run in to my room yelling, "Is today today? HOORAY! It's my party!!", and the post-sugar crash, and the extra exercise at EbolaLand, that I thought for sure he would curl up on the bed and pass out. Turns out, tired was in the rear view mirror, and he was so cranked up, he lay in his bed singing for 20 minutes: "Happy birthday, dear Me, happy birthday, dear Me.." So, yah. I think the party was a success.
E handled the whole thing like quite the big boy. He manifested a blossoming maturity by not competing stupidly for attention. His main request was to hand out the party favors, which made him feel like a host, and he liked. He even helped free the toys from the confounded boxes they come in nowadays: the San Quentin boxes where every piece of the toy is in solitary lockdown. The boys ended the afternoon together with a balloon parade, accompanied by a rousing version of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. (haha, you have that stuck in your head now, too!)
And now, a confession from the party: I kinda liked the slide. one of Sam's "special-est" girlfriends became afraid at the top of one of the vinyl slides and started to cry. She declined several friends' offers to help her, and I felt compelled to make S's birthday a tear- and injury- free experience. So, I boogied up to the top of the slide, where she (surprisingly, I thought she'd have to be coaxed) leaped into my lap, as if to say, get me the hell outta here! She sat in my lap, and we swooshed down the slide. Two things: 1. the slide was way faster and steeper than I thought it would be 2. the slide was way more fun than I thought it would be! It is impossible to go down a long slide without feeling wheeeeeee! and this was certainly one of those times. No wonder the kids love it there--if I were two feet shorter, it would have felt like sledding down the Matterhorn. Awesomeness. Maybe I'll bribe one of the teenyboppers who works there to let me into a party room by myself for 20 minutes. Woohoo!
Of course, we have to follow up World's Awesomest Birthday Party with Annual Trip to the Pediatrician for shots. Oh, well, the fun can only last so long.

1 comment:

  1. Glad S had an awesome party. So sad we missed it. I had been looking forward to eating MK cupcakes. (sad face) I will always be a loyal fan by the way. I get sad when there is nothing here. But don't get burned out.
