Monday, March 9, 2009

What time is it?

I survived. I thought for a while there, I might not, but I did. People are so strange. And by people, I mean everyone involved at the whole Open House thing yesterday. Earnest, and nice, and interesting, but strange. Me included.
So, now I am left with about 30 things on my to-do list. I've done about 40. My parents and sister come on Friday. Any one want to come help the crazy lady? Today, I cleaned out and restarted the fountains on the side and the back of the house. I am so happy to hear their giddy little trickles again. I love fountains. I might just get 3 more, and have them everywhere.
We slept with all the windows open last night. I LOVE this weather. If only it would stay like this a month longer before we got the whole jungle, steamy heat, the climate here would be perfect.
Daylight Saving Time is messing me up. I couldn't get to sleep last night, and I couldn't wake up this morning. Also, it kind of snuck up on me--I didn't see the 48 usual reminders this year.
Another shout out to little JT--he's over most of the flu and strep, but now has an allergic reaction to his antibiotics. Poor little man: hang in there!
I'm off to fold laundry....
Have a toasty Monday!

1 comment:

  1. G's alarm clock went off this morning. I hear whining and "it is dark outside". Then I hear snoring again. I forgot to give her that warning last night. Love the extra daylight in the evenings. Although dinner and bedtime tend to sneak up on me. I really have to watch the clock.
