Saturday, May 2, 2009

Surreality TV

I survived Friday. I survived the necessity of being two places as once, I survived screaming kids and sizzling sun, I survived being pepper sprayed, I survived a late TBall game.
Starting at 7 AM yesterday, I delivered Clooney to the groomer, took E to school, came back, delivered E to a friend's house (who took him to school and to a field trip, thanks CC), went BACK to E's school, walked in a parade, watched kids skip around a maypole to polka tunes, watched world's lamest relay, gathered up a treasure trove of Oriental Trading crap, worked two shifts of the big, inflatable slide, got inadvertently sprayed with pepper spray while police were arresting a perp just past the school's fence, came home, showered, got E off to TBall, came home and slept like a baby.
That is a reality TV endurance course if ever I saw one. I am so glad Friday is over. It was looming over me all week, because really I don't like "rah-rah" fundraisers for school. And I really don't like rah rah fundraisers that involve me actually hanging out with the school kids. I much prefer banquets, wine tasting, auctions, really anything that doesn't involve children as a fundraiser. Because inevitably, I find myself asking why I would do anything to help those screaming, stinky little suckers in any way. If they are more of an abstract concept, then I am far more willing to help them.
The week ahead proves to be challenging as well--more 'hands on' activities with the kids. But smaller herds of them, which is at least a little less grating. But then, I will be down to just two and a half weeks of school. At which point I will only have my own two suckers to care for.
THEN, we'll see who gets voted off the island.

1 comment:

  1. if its E, then you can ship him to my house..after all, whats one more?!
