Thursday, December 18, 2008

Boys R Dum

Cue Rocky! theme song...
Today's the day. E is at school. S is in front of TV. The closet is gonna be my b*tch. I will be ruthless in my throwing out. I will be brutally honest in my body size. I will conquer clutter. I soon as M gets out of bed. I have to wait. (Imagine Rocky music slowing, stopping)
M learned a valuable lesson about growing up last night. And, that lesson is: he's all grown old.
He was going to a concert with friends in Pensacola last night. It was supposed to be a chance to meet new people, listen to blues, and do something fun and new.
It turns out, that M, while wanting to meet new friends, and do something fun and new, wants to do so in the comfort of his home. He wants Friends On Demand. Imagine the service offered by DirectTV. Press a few buttons on your DirectTV remote, have friends delivered to the comfort of your sofa to watch movies, sports, or hang out, AND no late fees. M learned that his bedtime is 10 PM, not 3 AM. (Late fee paid this morning when E came in at 6:30.) M learned that drinking alcohol past one's bedtime is not energizing, but rather narcotizing. M learned that sometimes the front man in a blues band also sidelines in a thrash metal band. (For some reason, I find this last lesson especially amusing.)
These are painful lessons for a man in his 30s.
I on the other hand, tied bows with MK on her fragrant baked goods, enjoyed a lovely home cooked meal at her house, and pawned my children off to HER television for a couple of hours. I have learned my limits. They include a 9 PM bedtime, 2 glasses of pinot, and a sensible dinner and conversation. Silly boys. They learn so slowly!


  1. Na, na, na, na... I can't hear you.
    Seriously, I can't hear anything. Thrash metal, as it turns out, is exceptionally loud.
    Also, your post should be entitled "Bang the drum loudly."

  2. Personally, I think boys don't ever truly learn that lesson. I think life tries to teach them at various times in their lives, but it doesn't stick. So you see, they're not dumb, just really, really forgetful.
