Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Household Chemistry Lesson

Picture yourself in high school chemistry. Do you remember the experiment about super saturated solutions? The teacher has been adding sugar (or was it salt?) to a beaker and then chilled it down really fast or something? And then he added one more spoonful and it turned into a solid? OK. Pretend you remember that. Also, you might have to pretend that it is, in fact a scientific phenomenon.
That is what is happening to my house. Every cupboard, drawer, shelf, cubby, closet is stuffed to its absolute maximum. In the event I acquire one more object, the whole place is going to just be filled with crap. It's completely overwhelming.
I have in the past week, taken out 8 big black garbage bags of trash/stuff for Goodwill. (I do sort) and yet still. I am paralyzed by the situation. If I open a closet and begin to clean, I might never reemerge. My closets may be like children' s bedtime tales, and I might walk into one and find myself in another dimension. Even my freaking refrigerator is overfull. I have leftovers from dinners made too long ago to remember. I tried to make a hasty dessert to take to a party last night and my cake mix expired in JUNE. Did you know cake mix expired?
The only thing that doesn't have a chance to expire in my kitchen is Coke Zero. I need that stuff on a tap and just constantly pour.
My laundry room cupboards are full. I can't reach the top two shelves of them even with a step stool. So, basically those are useless. Under my TV is filled with CDs that are now on the iPod--what should I do with those? I have a closet in my family room that is, ironically, full of tubs and bins for organizing stuff. There is also a Circuit City's worth of old electronics in there. Why don't we part with that crap? Upstairs, where we went through the trauma of reflooring, everything that was on the floor in closets or under beds has been forcefully crammed onto the higher shelves. Except for this giant headboard/footboard that used to live under my bed. What do I do with that?? I want to give it away, but have this irrational fear that as the headboard is leaving my hands, the regret fairy will sweep down upon me and find 37 new uses for the previously useless furniture.
My E and M have an addiction to paper. They seem unwilling to part with it. E has every school assignment he has done this year, including pieces of paper that don't even bear a mark of his own. M saves every document that comes into the house, just in case. He, too lives with a healthy fear of the regret fairy.
S saves parts of broken toys. He loves the toys, are sorry they are broken, and yet can't throw them out. Random wheels, chassis, and hoods are strewn around his junkyard closet.
I feel like even when my house is clean and picked up (as it was yesterday for approximately 45 minutes) that it only takes one stray item, one lapse in organization, one misplaced item, and every door, drawer and cubby will vomit its contents into the house and we will be drowned in our junk.
It keeps me up at night. I keep an eyeball on my closet. When the house creaks in the wind, I think that's it: it will move a millimeter of the wall in the closet, and everything will spill. I CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE ANY MORE!
Please. Come over to my house today and extract a piece of crap. Take it to your house. I am afraid of my stuff.


  1. You just need to move to a different state. That will get you to clean out your stuff. We still have about a week & half to finish packing and I've been ruthless. I've dragged stuff out to the curb with the free sign more than once. I'm sure my neighborhood loves that - especially when the holiday trolley tour comes by.

  2. I agree with catwrangler...move to another state (again, I know you just did that). I either sold it at my yard sales, sold it on craigslist, or hauled it to Goodwill. I literally made 2 trips as we were packing the truck...just didn't want to toss it on the Penske truck so I tossed it in the minivan and donated! I am the queen of "toss it out". So, next time I'm in Mobile, I'd be glad to come over and clean out your house. Instant gratification.
