Monday, January 12, 2009

5 PM Funnies

Holy freaking cow. ANOTHER Girl Scout came to my door yesterday. She was so cute in her little green vest, and she rides carpool with us every day, and she was out in the cold hawking her delicious wares, that I couldn't say no. I am now up to 5 boxes. Should I have a Girl Scout Cookie party and spread the delicious calories around? Perhaps. Maybe I could feed Selma Hayak, because I saw her photo from the Golden Globes last night, and except for her breasts, which are magnificently well nourished, the rest of her body looks like it could really use some Thin Mint love.
S, in his effort to get my parental attention, decided to incorporate one of the things he loves most in the world, NASCAR, with one of the things I love most in the world, The Red Carpet. He started out in full pj's racing around our family room/kitchen/dining room loop chasing the dog. M and I were sitting in what would, in effect, be the infield of a NASCAR race, on the couch. The sound effects were superb. But the part that I really enjoyed was every three laps or so, he would be sporting something different about his clothing. No shirt, no pants, shirt but no pants. At some point, to add to the comedy, the dog stopped playing altogether. He crapped out on my feet but S kept going 'round and 'round. Then, magnificently, he changed direction. He came at us unexpectedly from whence he had just left, which we found hilarious. I had hoped he would be saying "mooz, mooz" since he was going backwards, but no. He was beginning to sweat. The dog hopped back in for a lap or two, and then figured the kid was on his own. S comes by with pants on his head. Then, no underwear, singing "NAKED BOY." Then, underwear again..."it's cold," he shouts as he zips by us. All told, this mayhem lasted for about 5 minutes.
Which is good, because as he was finishing, I was just about ready for a second gin and tonic.
The first gin and tonic may explain why I thought this was so freaking funny.


  1. Hide from the girl scouts. They are trying to kill you.....

  2. I don't know-- I'm as sober as I get right now, and that story still sounds funny.

  3. Can I just say, I love Sam?!
