Monday, January 26, 2009

Making Hay While the Sun Shines

S is home with a fever today. Which means I am sure of two things: 1. His hideous behaviour over the weekend was probably because he felt crappy. 2. I am sure to have whatever insidious Dengue disease he has. Let the snot begin.
So, by default, today is weekend day for him. Which is ok. He has no energy and is lying in my bed, moaning through commercials and then drooling through cartoons. As long as he doesn't miraculously feel better, we'll make it through the day.
I am working to recover from one of my "projects." I got it in my head that the kids would play with their toys more and clean up better if their toys were split and stored in their closets in their rooms. Thus, the playroom would be liberated from chronic mess and be restored to its rightful place as MINE. I want to put the treadmill in the playroom so I can watch TV while I run/walk. M wants to put a ping pong table in there, and we have a dartboard from college that could go in there, too. Ergo: plan is hatched. Immediately, we find a hitch: we have to move the mess from the playroom to the boys' closets, organize the mess, and sort it to appropriate owners. That part was yesterday. And by yesterday, I mean ALL YESTERDAY was spent moving crap, and throwing old crap out. Then, I got the bee in my bonnet to sort all the boys' stuff, so I went through old clothes, threw away, put in bags for Goodwill, and reserved the nicest stuff for friends with small boys. Needless to say, this morning, the house looked like a bomb went off. Sure, the closets were neat and tidy, (the last time I will ever be able to say that, I am sure) but only because everything that didn't QUITE go in them is still all over. ACK. Today, I am doing laundry (hand me downs from E to S), throwing away anything I can't find a home for, and schlepping the last of the crap out from the playroom.
It will all be very exciting, I am sure. When it's finished. If it's finished. I could be one of those people who live in a house lined with moving boxes. At the moment, that doesn't sound THAT hideous. Things must be bad.
Did I just sneeze? Oh, crap. Dengue's coming for me next.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. When we moved we went from 4 bedrooms to 3. In other words, no more playroom. So we have also split toys and crammed, I mean stored them in the boys' rooms. Fun. At least you're getting your own playroom for adults!
    P.S. I hope you're not catching SARS or whatever.
