Friday, April 10, 2009

Bed Bath and Beyond

Holy crap. I thought I would never get home. I have photos for you all, but my computer has died with the ominous message: "Shut Down due to thermal event." And it's gone forever now. (RIP, poor computer) Apparently, M has somehow cultivated artificial intelligence in his computer, because every time I go near it, it has a Pavlovian freak out. It knows that somehow my camera peripherals are gonna screw everything up. It's trained to fear me!
Wednesday, we went to Montreal, the mountain. I wish that I were kidding about this: we couldn't go to the top, because the stair pathway was so thick with ice and snow, that everything had solidified into a giant ramp o' snow. Ridiculous.
Yesterday, I started every sentence with, "I'm so glad to be home." I got groceries, rescued the dog from the kennel. I even went to Bed Bath and Beyond. Favorite. Store. Ever. How great is a store with an "As seen on TV" section? Or sells both random and intriguing small appliances? A travel toothbrush sanitizer? A clock radio/backscratcher/birdfeeder? A kitchen timer/spatula/salad spinner? Love that store. I bought a dozen tall glasses (mine seem to be regularly kidnapped by the glass gnomes). I got one of those super cool gel-pro kitchen mats that's all cushiony for in front of the sink. And, I got biodegradable trash can liners for the kitchen trash. Because nothing says environmental responsibility like a consumer-driven manic trip to Bed Bath and Beyond-ond-ond.
Then, I went in search of 2 chaise lounges, and two outdoor umbrellas for the pool area. I have yet to find these articles for a reasonable price. Why should reclining in the shade, drinking a margarita, and perfunctorily supervising my children in the pool cost so much? Also, for the record, cute cabana boys are just NEVER on sale anymore. Stupid economy.
So, search for chaise lounges failed. On the side, does anyone know if those pool discs that float on top of the pool actually warm it up? Or is this a scam? I'd appreciate input.

1 comment:

  1. I say screw the chairs. We need the cabana boy or I'm not coming over. M doesn't count.
