Friday, April 24, 2009

Blood suckers and kids

Sorry about yesterday, folks. I had a Bob the Builder Day...the kind of day where my mantra is Can she do it? Yes, she can! Sorta.
In the morning, I had to carpool, clean, laundry, make a hot entree for 10 people (more on this later), get groceries, deliver a FedEx that came to the house to M at work. But, then my afternoon redeemed everything: I sat by the pool and supervised the kids in the backyard. Which was overwhelmingly good. Except for the mosquitoes. Poor S was eaten alive by the things. I don't really know what to do about it. I don't like to spray the yard, because 1. the spray kills every bug--good or bad, not to mention frogs and lizards. 2. It builds up in the yard and could be washed into the pool, and of course, the streams and lakes and Gulf 3. The mosquitoes will just move to my neighbors' yards.
But, on the other hand, those suckers (hehe. Pun) are just driving my baby nuts! Plus, they transmit icky disease. Any one have any ideas short of nuking the joint?
OK. the entree for 10. Once a term, the teachers at E's school get "homemade" lunches from various moms. They get to eat at nicely set tables and visit with one another. Volunteer parents "kid sit" the classrooms while the teachers eat. It's really very nice. Only, yesterday as I was making a huge pan of food, I was feeling a little bitter. I'm over it.
And, finally, in the category of "concrete thinkers." This morning, M and I were discussing parental things regarding movie night and weekend plans. As he was walking out, he says, "when we get it worked out, we can tell Ethan." So, of course Ethan wants to know what we can tell him. M responds with, "You are on a need to know basis. Do you need to know?"
"I know how to run the bases without the coach telling me."
(Insert bah-dum-bum drum here.)


  1. hmm...mosquito away ideas...
    mint and tea tree oil mixed in olive oil is a good repellant..but not in the water. feed the kids loads of garlic, nothing will bite them after that!
    buzz off reppellant is natural and workd pretty well..tho again not IN the water.
    we used to burn banana leaves and coconut husks in hawaii, but i doubt you wanna get that "natural"
    they sell citronella plants that you can put in the yard or in pots onthe patio..maybe?

  2. or one of those awful bug zapper find them strangely amusing.
